Organic Turmeric Milk Sweetened with Palm Candy-Anti Inflammatory Drink

After a long break and spending a good time with family in Chennai, India, I am back with a big bag full of organic spices. I am truly amazed at the number of shops that have sprung up all over the city-supporting local and organic farmers. Of all the spices that I bought with a lot of excitement, I was just so happy to have found organic turmeric and palm sugar. Though turmeric is a very common ingredient in my everyday cooking, I've always felt that it must be lacking all the unbelievable health benefits (read about curcumin- a compound found in turmeric that can even heal breast cancer) due to the conventional method of farming. Back home, turmeric was used for almost everything-cooking was just one of them. One of the most common use was of course grinding the whole turmeric and mixing it with a little bit of sea salt for treating inflammation on the skin. 

Palm sugar or palm candy or panankarkandu is a kind of sugar obtained from the palmyra tree that is very popular in the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu. Unlike jaggery obtained from sugar cane, this sugar has numerous health benefits and one of them being anti inflammatory. Palm candy is known to heal cough and chest congestion. While most of us think medicines are bitter, who would even believe that a sweet candy can actually heal the cough and cold?

A lot of home remedies require just boiling the spices in milk. If you are wondering how to get turmeric in your diet, this is certainly one of the easiest methods to do so. Here is my recipe of Turmeric Milk and palm candy:

Organic Turmeric Powder-A pinch
Milk-One cup
Organic Palm candy-As required

Organic Palm Candy
Organic Turmeric Powder

 Step One: Bring the milk to a boil and add a tiny little pinch of turmeric to the milk. Remember, just a little bit!

How I wish the milk was organic too!

 Step Two: Mix it well with the milk and stir it for a few minutes. Add a pod of cardamom if you desire. It will spice up your drink!

Step Three: Mix palm sugar and stir again

Step Four: Transfer the milk to your favourite mug and enjoy!


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