
Assalamu alaikum,

Peace be upon you!

Thank you for stopping by. :) This is the second time I am writing the "About" section of my blog since I felt the previous one just didn't fit well.  

My name is Faiza and I am from Chennai, the beautiful coastal city of India. I moved to the UAE after getting married in 2009 and I am a stay at home mother of two children. I studied Finance, Banking and Cost Accounting and chose not to pursue a career in the same field after understanding the dealing with Interest is forbidden in Islam. I had a very rare opportunity of working for a Value Investing firm as a Research Analyst, where I had the opportunity to learn many things beyond spreadsheets and financial models, the most important being, looking beyond the obvious.

Desert Safari and Filter Coffee

I have a habit of slipping into nostalgia very often. Even a small object or a fragrance or even a word can trigger the beautiful memories I've stored in my head and I just love indulging in recalling those happy times. This very habit of reminiscing has made me appreciate the values and lost traditions of many things belonging to the past and skeptical about the fast paced technology that has not even spared fetuses in the womb.

Come and join with me on my experience as a nostalgic-expat mommy cruising in the dunes of the UAE desert in a virtual auto rickshaw from Chennai!

Follow me on instagram @faizaummhamdan and on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/desertsafariandfiltercoffee/.

I also post at Slow Food Dubai facebook page, and you can find the link here: https://www.facebook.com/SlowFoodDubaiUAE/


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